Town Board - Special Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING – Catskill Town Hall

April 23, 2019  4:11 pm


PRESENT:        Doreen Davis, Supervisor
                Jared Giordiano, Councilman
                Patrick McCulloch, Councilman
                Paul Vosburgh, Councilman


Supervisor Davis called the meeting to order.  The purpose of the meeting is to pass a resolution for the second supplemental bond resolution.  We did not have a super majority at the last meeting.  Resolution # 23-2019 on motion of Councilman Giordiano second by Councilman Vosburgh adopting the second supplemental bond resolution appropriating the additional sum of $800,000 to undertake a certain project consisting of the acquisition and construction of a sanitary sewer system in the Leeds and Jefferson Heights Sewer District at a cost not to exceed $13,409,846 appropriating said sum therefor and authorizing the issuance of up to $13,409,846 serial bonds of the town to finance said appropriations.  Adopted Vote: 4 Yes 1 Absent (Scannapieco)


With no further business a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilman Giordiano second by Councilman McCulloch.  Meeting ended 4:12 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Elizabeth Izzo
Town Clerk