Town Board

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Catskill Town Board Committee Meeting – Catskill Town Hall

April 17, 2019          6:30 pm


PRESENT:        Supervisor Doreen Davis
                Councilman Jared Giordiano
                Councilman Paul Vosburgh


Supervisor Davis opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and greeted all in attendance.


LEEDS/JEFFERSON HEIGHTS SEWER – Mr. Smigel was present and gave a brief update.  The contractor has begun spot work.  Working off of the punch list.  If any other items need to be done, contact Hunt or Alan to get on the list before the contractor finishes the project.  Anticipating project completion date end of May.


Supervisor Davis mentioned issues with some homeowner’s about pipes and what not to put in them and asked for a FAQ from DE.  


Supervisor Davis next mentioned the bond resolution increasing the total cost of the project but no increase to the property owner.  The overages are for additional paving and Phase 3 of the project.  The adjustment is $880,000.  Mr. Smigel stated this is the second bond resolution as the attorney wanted to cite a different law.  It was circulated for review by the board.  Resolution # 21-2019 on motion of Councilman Giordiano second by Councilman Vosburgh for the second supplemental bond resolution appropriating $880,000 to undertake a certain project consisting of the acquisition and construction of a sanitary sewer system in the Leeds and Jefferson Heights Sewer District at a cost not to exceed $13,409,846 appropriating said sum therefor and authorizing the issuance of up to $13,409,846 serial bonds of the town to finance said appropriation.  Adopted Vote 3 Yes 2 Absent (McCulloch/Scannapieco)


HIGHWAY – Highway Superintendent Beers presented a 284 agreement to the board for milling and paving of Five Mile Woods Rd for $255,000.  This is covered under CHIPS.  Resolution # 22-2019 on motion of Councilman Giordiano second by Councilman Vosburgh accepting the 284 agreement in the amount of $255,000 for milling/paving of Five Mile Woods Rd. Adopted Vote: 3 Yes 2 Absent (McCulloch/Scannapieco)




Debbie Schlenker and Katrina Cotich of Cementon presented the board with a resident petition to erect a no overnight parking sign on the south side of the street from Route 9W to 12 Maple/Pine St.  The concern is ER vehicles not being able to get through.  Mr. Beers stated this is the first he has heard of any issue and feels it is an easy fix.  Supervisor Davis stated we will need a public hearing to amend the local law section for no parking.  


Ms. Schlenker mentioned a second issue with junk vehicles and a possible business.  Supervisor Davis will have the Code Officer investigate.  Follow up from Mr. Fishman will be to Councilman Giordiano.  


Jim Planck asked the board to consider creating a conservation advisory council.  He distributed paperwork from DEC for the board to review.  Supervisor Davis stated she will speak to the Planning and Zoning Chairs.  


Kerry DeMunn inquired as to the meeting last week and the tolling agreement.  Supervisor Davis stated the Town Attorney is drafting an explanation but her understanding is the board took action as the timeline to file an Article 78 was approaching.  Sheepdog Warrior’s attorney asked to extend the timeline for the purposes of reexamine everything.  The explanation will be ready within the next twenty-four hours.


Supervisor Davis stated this was an emergency meeting.  Questions arose regarding posting of the meeting and when posted which were answered.  


With no other business a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilman Giordiano second by Councilman Vosburgh.  Meeting ended 7:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Izzo
Town Clerk